Tuesday, February 15, 2022

DCPL to rework its policy for naming spaces after donors; NPR, February 11, 2022

Martin Austermuhle, NPR ; DCPL to rework its policy for naming spaces after donors

"The director of the D.C. Public Library told the D.C. Council on Wednesday that he plans to rework the policy that allows DCPL to unilaterally name interior places and spaces after donors. DCPL Director Richard Reyes-Gavilan also apologized for a recent dustup over his recommendation to name an auditorium in the Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Library after Amazon founder Jeff Bezos...

In 2019, the board approved a "Naming Policy for D.C. Public Library Spaces and Programs" that spells out when interior and exterior spaces of libraries can be named after specific people, notably staff members or distinguished people who offered "extraordinary service" to the library system, or donors "who have made a significant financial contribution to the library." The policy does call for a "due diligence review" of any proposed renaming, including "whether the name is and will continue to be a positive reflection on the library.""

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