Monday, January 21, 2019

Once Centers Of Soviet Propaganda, Moscow's Libraries Are Having A 'Loud' Revival; NPR, January 21, 2019

Lucian Kim, NPR; Once Centers Of Soviet Propaganda, Moscow's Libraries Are Having A 'Loud' Revival

"In recent years, the city's team in charge of libraries has discarded almost all traditional concepts of what a public library is.

"We have a different idea from the way things used to be. A library can be a loud place," says Maria Rogachyova, the official who oversees city libraries. "Of course there should be some quiet nooks where you can focus on your reading, but our libraries also host a huge amount of loud events."...

The library now has its own website, Facebook page and even YouTube channel.

"Moscow libraries aren't competing with modern technology, they're trying to use it," says Rogachyova. "The rise of electronic media shouldn't spell the death of libraries as public spaces.""

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