Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Pure chaos: Donald Trump’s campaign management offers a glimpse into his governing style (spoiler alert: it’s terrible); Salon, 6/1/16

Sean Illing, Salon; Pure chaos: Donald Trump’s campaign management offers a glimpse into his governing style (spoiler alert: it’s terrible) :
"The presumptive Republican nominee has managed his campaign the way he manages his casinos or his realty TV program: haphazardly and with an unearned arrogance. Everything’s about the brand and non-sycophants are cast aside. Getting it right is far less important than being right...
Trump isn’t as stupid as he pretends to be, but his confidence seems to scale with his ignorance, and that’s a dangerous trait in a president, given how consequential each decision can be. As a candidate, a confident idiot can make a lot of noise and fool a lot of voters. But you can’t lead that way. As president, Trump would need the sober advice of serious professionals. Considering how little he understands about the job and the world, this is especially true in his case.
Based on the latest behind-the-scenes reports on Trump’s campaign (as well as his entire history in real estate and television), it’s unlikely he would govern with the humility and self-awareness required...
Trump’s dictatorial approach works well on the campaign trail, but it’d be a disaster in office. A president has to persuade and compromise. The capacity to admit ignorance is equally important. Trump, by all accounts, has no interest in any of these things.
Trump doesn’t know what he needs to know in order to be president, nor does he care that he doesn’t know."

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