Tuesday, December 10, 2013

This Is What It Looks Like When a Google Manager Gets Feedback; Harvard Business Review, 12/4/13

David A. Garvin, Harvard Business Review; This Is What It Looks Like When a Google Manager Gets Feedback: "The thing is, many of those who make the cut are engineers, who typically view management as a distraction from “real” work, not as a useful activity. And that presents a challenge: If your highly skilled, handpicked hires don’t value management in the traditional sense, how can you run the place effectively? How do you turn doubters into believers, persuading them to spend time managing others? By applying the same analytical rigor and tools that you used to hire them in the first place. For Google, that has meant using its own data to prove the importance of management, as well as surveying employees and conducting double-blind interviews to identify key behaviors of effective managers — and then providing individuals with concrete, useful feedback in those areas."

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