Sunday, June 30, 2024

Amy Dickinson says goodbye in her final column; The Washington Post, June 30, 2024

  , The Washington Post; Amy Dickinson says goodbye in her final column

"Dear Readers: Since announcing my departure from writing this syndicated column, I have heard from scores of people across various platforms, thanking me for more than two decades of offering advice and wishing me well in my “retirement.” I am very touched and grateful for this outpouring of support...

The questions raised in this space have been used as teaching tools in middle schools, memory care units, ESL classes and prisons. These are perfect venues to discuss ethical, human-size dilemmas. On my last day communicating with you in this way, I feel compelled to try to sum up my experience by offering some lasting wisdom, but I’ve got no fresh insight. Everything I know has been distilled from wisdom gathered elsewhere...

Boxer Mike Tyson famously said, “Everybody has a plan, until they get punched ...” Punches are inevitable. But I do believe I’ve learned some universal truths that might soften the blows.

They are:...

Identify, develop, or explore your core ethical and/or spiritual beliefs...

I sometimes supply “scripts” for people who have asked me for the right words to say, and so I thought I would boil these down to some of the most important statements I believe anyone can make.

They are:

I need help.

I’m sorry.

I forgive you.

I love you, just as you are.

I’m on your side.

You’re safe.

You are not alone."

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